Daniela Forti
Glassmith - Toscana, Italy
Daniela Forti was born in Rome, where she studied architecture and interior design. When she moved to Tuscany and opened her workshop there, she started collaborating with glassmakers and researching the dualism between light and glass. She hand-manufactures each piece using the “vetrofusione” technique: by melting glass, this artist creates whimsical, strikingly original worlds where this material acquires vivid colors and malleable shapes, and light gains a new, metaphysical essence
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My sculptures have the purpose of turning the glass preconception upside down as rigid and cold and they are dreamlike creations that recall the undulating forms of aquatic animals.

Daniela Forti was born in Rome in 1960, where she graduated from the School of Art. Since she was very young, she studied and learned in the artisan shops of the capital the techniques of the art of glass. In 1982 she moved to Tuscany, where she opened her studio. It is in this context that she refines and develops completely personal research, based on the relationship between light-glass.
Throughout her life, Daniela Forti's needs to express herself artistically could not be ignored. Sho spent years learing everything that gravitated around glassmaking techniques: from leaded glass, Tiffany technique, welding techniques, paintings. Finally, Daniela Forti discovered the fusion, within no time at all the melting of the glass in the oven was becoming part of her and it could no longer be denied.